Friday, 11 February 2011

How to learn English through songs!

Your task
If you like music, serch your favorite song and take a dictation.
For example, if you are interested in British pop music, have a look at Beatles's songs.
You can select 'begginer' 'intermediate' 'export' according to your English level.
Songs are good tool for improving your listening skill. Once you can understand the mechanism of changing the sounds such as liaison and assimilation, you can gradually hear and understand what English native speakers are saying.
Tell me which song you chose and which part of the song you had difficulty in listening.


  1. I agree with you that dictation of lyrics is good practice for improve listening skill. I've just tried to take a dictation of song from Monty Python, "always look on the bright side of life".

    As a matter of fact, I could barely recognize the words and phrases except for "always look on the light side of life"!

  2. Thank you, Yuji.
    That's true it is difficult to take a dictation of English songs because there are a lot of changes of sound such as assimilation, reduced form and liason. will help you to improve your listening since you can get some hints during taking dictation.
    Keep trying! Practice makes perfect!

  3. Asami, Thank you for your practical comments! I will get access the site you suggested. Thanks!

  4. i enjoyed the site very much, asami-san :)
    no wonder its popular amongst students!

    i tried jamies cullum's one (theres only one song of his) and james blunt's 'stay the night'. i found them difficulty particularly when the lyrics go a bit quickly. but anyway it is very enjoyable. ill definitely do this one soon again.

  5. Good to hear you enjoyed it!
    That's true it is getting difficult when the song goes quickly.
    How did you solve that difficulty? Listened to the same part for many times? Once you know what it says, is it getting easier for you to understand the part next time?
