Monday 14 February 2011

Get your presentation ideas from others' wonderful works!

What is this?
This contains a tremendous of created presentations about various kinds of topics.

Why is the content good for language learning?
  • It contains examples which make learners understand easily
  • It contains  different kinds of genres
  • It contains easy instructions how to organize the writing
  • It gives you ideas of organizing a presentation.
How might you use it in a language teaching context?
  • The teacher can show good presentations and bad presentations and get students think how they are different either in a group or in pairs.
  • The teacher can make a check list of a good presentation.
  • After the discussion of a good presentation, the teacher get students make their own presentation and upload their presentations online.
  • Everyone can watch other students' work and vote the best one.
  • The teacher can show the best one to students in the class.
  • The task needs internet access.

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