Saturday, 12 March 2011

Speaking with SOMEBODY in the middle of the night

What is this?
Ego the Robot can make a conversation with you anytime online.

How can you use this?
  • If you want to speak with somebody in English even after midnight, Ego will be there all the time.
  • It means you can practice your English 24 hours a day.
  • Sometimes unnatural response from the Robot

Useful evaluation sheets

What is this?
RubiStar is a tool to help the teacher who wants to use rubrics but does not have the time to develop them from scratch. Choose from topics such as Oral Projects, Research and Writing, Word Skills, Multimedia, Products, Science, Math, Reading, Music, and Art. You also have the ability to view, edit, and analyze a saved rubric. Also, RubiStar now provides a way for you to analyze the performance of your whole class.

Why is the content good for language learning?
  • This is totally free.
  • This site provides well-oarganized example of evaluation criteria.
  • This is easy to make own assessment sheet.
  • This is well systematic and easy to follow.
How might you use it in a language teaching context?
  • When the teacher is teaching how to make a presentation, he can use evaluation sheets in order to make students reflect both individually and collaboratively.
  • The process of reflection promotes learner autonomy through self-correction.
  • It is very important for students to know what aspects will be assessed by the teacher.
here is an example of assessment sheet for oral presentation. 

  • The teacher should have clear idea of criteria.
  • Giving too many assessment makes students demotivated.